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Inch Park in Danger!

We would like to draw your attention to a serious threat to the future of Inch Park which we have learned about and which will need an immediate response by the local community if we are to have any chance of stopping it.

Inch Park Map for petition-01.jpg
  • Coronavirus update:
    Although Inch House remains closed to the public until Covid conditions and Edinburgh Council allow its full reopening, Inch residents will be glad to hear that the centre is open again for members of User Groups and participants in Adult Education classes. We are also now accepting bookings for a limited number of private events. These can be booked via our Contacts page. However it will take some time before Inch House is able to get back fully to the level of activity it enjoyed prior to the Covid closure in 2020. In particular there will be restrictions on opening hours and numbers of attendees and visitors until the Centre is able to build up its staff and janitorial support team again. Please refer to updates elsewhere on our website and on our Facebook page for current. details.


If you would like to help protect Inch Park, please take a moment to do the following:


1. Please write to your local councillor and tell them you are opposed to this development (please remember to include your name and postcode).


2. Please let us know at : that you have made an objection. We will write back to you and keep you in touch about progress, if you would like to hear about further developments.


One more thing you can do,.....please tell other people!!

Please pass the word on to others about what is happening to Inch Park.

Please share this post.


Let's save our beautiful Inch Park together!


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Inch Community Association is registered with OSCR: Charity Number: SC049401. Copyright Inch Community Assocation © All Right reserved | 

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