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Inch Park Balsam Bash - VOLUNTEERS NEEDED

We are looking for help with our newly relaunched community initiative starting this April to remove the invasive species, Himalayan Balsam, from Inch Park.

This plant, which grows in vast numbers along the Braid Burn, is a disaster for local nature. Few in-sects in this country can eat it, it smothers out na-tive Scottish plants and causes serious erosion of riverbanks, which can lead to flooding. Getting rid of it is therefore a major nature conservation goal. Fortunately, it is a surprisingly easy plant to pull up by the roots and destroy. A group of even a few people working together can make a huge differ-ence. And fewer Himalayan Balsams = more but-terflies, marsh marigolds, yellow irises, wagtails and water voles!! So Inch Community Association is looking to join forces with anyone interested in removing this ob-noxious weed and will be holding regular Balsam Bash meetings in Inch Park at the Braid Burn. It’s great fun and you can really make a difference to local nature as well. If you’d be interested in volunteering with us, please contact us at balsambash@inchhouse. and we will send you further details.

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